It’s That Time of Year in Sydney

Once the temperature hits an optimal level, it is time to consider your possible roofing needs. Summertime weather is ideal for roofing jobs because less rain or even the lack of it has the added benefit of allowing continuous work on the roof and preventing water damage.

In the summer time in Sydney, you can investigate how and where the leak is occurring. Examine the roof carefully from the ground. Check the roof through the hole in the gutter/downspout. As professional roofers, we pay extra attention and watch out for where the water soaks in on your roof. Storm damaged leaking roof can be caused by a damaged flashing.

Also read “Most common causes of leaking roof.

Don’t go walking around the roof and lifting materials without clear knowledge of the roof, because the water can soak through the roof edges, causing even bigger problems. Contact us for free roof inspection if in doubt.

Please note, the better the quality of a roof, the longer it lasts and the less maintenance it will require. An inspection of all components of your roof should be done regularly. Roofing inspections can alert you to small cracks but with small cracks usually it will not become a major cause of damage to your roof if ever. A trained eye can spot small cracks before they become a major issue.

Is Your Roof Wet Weather Ready?

Too Often Water Damage is neglected

Water not only causes damage, but more often, even structural damage to your home. Whether it is a simple drip, leak, or burst pipe, ignore it and it will lead to damage to your home, ceilings, and furnishings. When a leak is left untreated, thousands of dollars are spent each year on household repair. Consider investing in proper maintenance to protect the value of your home now, and prevent unexpected costs at the same time. Finding the source of the leak is critical in the damage. Mitigation process and prevention may be easier to handle than later repairs.

If your ceiling is leaking, check leaks in each room of the house, including the roof and attic. Ask a reliable roofing company to conduct its own inspections of debris and stains. Your gutters and downpipes should be free of debris or dripping water to direct dripping water away from the structure. If water leaks into a room, there may be damage behind the walls.

Building Maintenance

In terms of your hard work, letting a leak go is akin to digging a whole new hole in the ground and then not taking the time to tar, top it off, and spend the money to protect the surrounding ground. Yes, some jobs are more difficult, and you may need to spend a little extra, but your sealants will ensure an ambient drip will not damage otherwise. Be sure that the contract has a contingency for extended hard rain days throughout the year. Take pictures of the area around the damage, so a clean up is easier.

Regularly keep an eye on the roofs for any damage or deterioration from the elements that may cause moisture or rain build up. There are roofs that look to be in great condition, but may be worn out due to the hard elements of the weather. Summer is a great time to check on your roof by a professional.

Roofing maintenance is of paramount importance in order to avoid disasters, which may be very costly to the health and the value of your home. Stay on top of your roof!

We provide repairs and maintenance for all roofing jobs in Sydney. Our local roofing contractors are ready to come to your home to inspect for any signs of damage on your roof. With over 20 years of experience in the roofing industry, we offer affordable roofing solutions for residential and commercial properties. We are the Sydney Roofing Maintenance Specialists you should contact before making a decision in booking an assessment for your roof.

Are you looking for roofing maintenance in Sydney? Contact us today. See our service areas.