This is a type of question that a DIY enthusiast could ask oneself. At the first glance fixing roof might look like a simple job (a few shingles displaced by the last storm? a leak in the attic?), and the web is full of tutorials, so “why not?” you might ask.

The simple answer is that roofing is not your average DIY job, and there is more there than meets the eye. Let us explain. (If the roof on your home needs repair, contact us for free inspection in Sydney. We service all major suburbs in Sydney, New South Wales. Service Areas)

1. Roof repair can be dangerous

We talk about you walking on a steep roof (and the angle is not that important, it can be dangerous even on a slight slope), where to keep balance is a permanent concern. And it’s not only the slope, but the state of your roof too. How old is it? Could it be that there are parts where the wood structure is not that sturdy and it could collapse under your feet? Even if you have a flat roof that can be a problem. And even from a flat roof you can just fall down in the blink of an eye. Professional roofers know how to avoid all these dangers and they have special safety equipment.

2. You could cause more roof damage

We don’t want to deny your DIY knowledge, but roofing is a speciality area, that’s why we have roofing professionals. (Fill out the form on homepage to schedule free roof inspection.) Apart from the roof collapsing as we said above, there might be problems you miss and if unnoticed cause more problems. It could be that you do some roof procedures the wrong way. You could mishandle the equipment. You might not understand the entire roof problem at hand.

Roof Repairer in Sydney

3. You could end up spending more

If your goal is to spend less, it might be surprising when we say that you could spend actually more. This is because we saw time and again failed DIY projects where the client had to call the professionals eventually, after spending a lot with materials and tools, only to find that their hard work resulted in a sketchy repair of uncertain safety and looks. Not to mention the amount of personal time and effort spent on the job. Why not let the professionals do their job that they are qualified for?

4. You could mess up with your insurance

Read your home insurance policy carefully – does it cover for damage done by yourself? Most probably not. Also, some of the materials on your roof might be under the manufacturer’s warranty, but only if they are installed by a professional. That means that you could lose your warranty trying to DIY roof repair.

5. Your roof could look worse

We talk about aesthetics of your roof and your home. It doesn’t seem an important factor to you? Because we think it is. (Also read: Find the roof colour that matches your home.)

The roof is an integral part of your house’s overall look and contributes to its appeal. It would be a shame to have a nice house with a botched roof, wouldn’t it? It’s simply not possible for a roofing beginner to have the same craftsmanship as an experienced one, that is a fact. Your roof must be sturdy, but it should also look good, right?

Roofing is an area of expertise, not something one can toy with. We strongly recommend that you use a team of roofing professionals, to optimise your time and money, and be safe. All Beaches Roofing can offer both advice and execution for all residential or commercial roofing services, contact us today and our professional roofing specialists  would be happy to help you make the right decision.